*Author for correspondence: Guillermo Antonio Chávez-Meza. Email:
Received on December 7, 2022. Accepted on December 10, 2022.
Rev. CMV. 2023;1(1-3):e001 1
Journal of medical and life sciences as a means of enriching and
disseminating knowledge
Revista de Ciencias Médicas y de la Vida como vía de enriquecimiento y
difusión del conocimiento
Revue des Sciences Médicales et de la Vie comme moyen d'enrichissement
et de diffusion des connaissances
Author: Guillermo Antonio Chávez-Meza
Medical doctor and Surgeon. Gynecologist and Obstetrician. International Master in University Management. Da Vinci
University of Guatemala. Faculty of Medical and Life Sciences. Guatemala. Email:
Research has always been a fundamental
element in the professional training of the
human being; but scientific research
constitutes the panoramic exposition of the
ordered and methodological processes, which
bring us closer to the discovery of a truth
worthy of being communicated and known by
all those who are characterized by the
permanent search for investigative results,
published in the scientific field of the academy.
For this reason, the scientific journal emerges
as the means to be heard, and as the perfect
vehicle to interact between researchers on a
regular basis and exchange their research
Rojas and Rivera in 20111, and Mujica-Sequera
in 20202 define a scientific journal as a
publication that has an established periodicity,
with unpublished articles, the product of
research results that are duly refereed by an
editorial committee, and that adheres strictly
to the rules established for publications.
This definition makes it clear that the scientific
journal publishes the knowledge it gathers,
under established standards that guarantee
quality publications. According to CONACYT in
2013, it encourages interaction between
readers, authors, and the editorial team.3
*Author for correspondence: Guillermo Antonio Chávez-Meza. Email:
Received on December 7, 2022. Accepted on December 10, 2022.
Rev. CMV. 2023;1(1-3):e001 2
The effort of the specialized personnel of the
Scientific Journal of Medical and Life Sciences
of the Da Vinci University, guarantees a
genuine means for the reader with which to
allow the extension of the optional actions, in
terms of the professional training of the
doctors who graduate from them, with solid
knowledge of the method and the writing of
scientific articles. Thet prestige the research
carries out and disseminates at the national
and international level, realities of the
Guatemalan epidemiological context, comes
from a contribution to the solution of the health
problems of Guatemala and the collection of
doctors in training from other countries.
It is an effort to unify the work between
students and teachers dedicated to research,
and the publishing group; for the benefit of the
readers who consult it, who will receive original
information, with scientific rigor, that comes
from scientific and technological research, and
that respects the editorial process, the
research areas proposed at the national level
and the research lines of the Faculty of Medical
and Life Sciences.
Those in charge of the production of this
scientific journal are specialized personnel
entrusted to carry out this task. Their
knowledge and experience guides the work of
the editorial boards in one direction, made up
of national and international professionals who
have met the requirements for this type of
work, with researchers, teachers and students.
All of them meet the objectives established by
the Faculty of Medical and Life Sciences of Da
Vinci University, so that at the end of the
professional training process, compliance and
the acquisition of the skills to investigate and
write scientific articles are guaranteed.
Graduation proficiency for professionals in any
health field that is constantly subjected to the
rigor of science and its changes, increasingly
frequent thanks to information technology and
Da Vinci University, through the Faculty of
Medical and Life Sciences, has the honor of
making available to the university community
and its different faculties and careers, to the
national and international academic
community, the Journal of Medical and Life
Sciences, which sees the light in this month of
January of the year two thousand and twenty-
Thanks to the efforts of all the Medical Doctors,
Nutritionists, Sports and Sealth professionals
who direct and make up the Faculty's Research
Unit, and the professionals who have accepted
the challenge to join the National and
International Scientific Advisory Committee,
today we all have this vehicle available to
enrich and disseminate knowledge.
Keywords: scientific research, scientific field
of the academy, quality publications, editorial
process, epidemiological context.
No conflicts of interest are declared.
1. Rojas MA, Rivera S. Guía de Buenas
Prácticas para Revistas Académicas de
Acceso Abierto. Santiago de Chile: ONG
*Author for correspondence: Guillermo Antonio Chávez-Meza. Email:
Received on December 7, 2022. Accepted on December 10, 2022.
Rev. CMV. 2023;1(1-3):e001 3
Derechos Digitales. 2011. p. 6.
Disponible en URL:
2. Mujica-Sequera RM. ¿qué es una
revista científica y su clasificación?
[Internet]. Docentes 2.0. 2020 [citado
el 6 de diciembre de 2022]. Disponible
3. CONACYT. Índice de revistas mexicanas
DE divulgación científica y Tecnológica
criterios generales 2013-2014
[Internet]. 2014 [citado
el 6 de diciembre de 2022]. Disponible
To the editorial committee of the Journal of Medical Sciences and Life
Article title: Journal of Life and Medical Sciences as a way of enrichment and dissemination of
Author's name: Guillermo Antonio Chávez-Meza
The authors of this work agree to comply with the following standards:
1. All the mentioned authors participated in the scientific article and are responsible
for it.
2. All the authors reviewed the final version of the work and approved the
publication in the Revista Ciencias Médicas y Vida.
3. This work, or another similar in content, has not been published in another journal
or as part of a book, nor is it subject to review in another editorial space, so it is
original and unpublished.
4. In accordance with the License by which the journal is governed (Creative
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 International License),
the authors will retain all rights to the work as long as the primary source of
publication (RCMV) is cited and no use for commercial purposes.
5. Therefore, freely, voluntarily and free of charge, I assign (we assign) my (our)
rights to the Revista Ciencias Médicas y Vida, to reproduce, edit, publish,
distribute and make available through intranets, internet or CD said work, without
any limitation of form or time and with the express obligation to respect and
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6. It is understood that this authorization is not an assignment or transmission of
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it an exclusive license, since it will only be valid for one year from the date of
7. The authors declare that the necessary protocols have been followed for the
protection of informants' data, prior informed consent and compliance with the
other ethical principles of scientific research and bioethics.
8. There is no conflict of interest.
9. I have delimited according to the Vancouver style, all the references used, and I
have not committed plagiarism.
City/Country: Guatemala/Guatemala
Date: December 2, 2022
Signature of the authors (paste here in digital format and in a small size that does not
make the document exceed 300Kb)
Guillermo Antonio Chávez-Meza