Quality of the Editorial Management of the Cuban Journal of Health Technology
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Introduction: the quality indicators of a scientific journal express processes of necessary rigor towards what is published. Objective: to describe the quality of the editorial management of the scientific journals of the Revista Cubana de Tecnología de la Salud. Methods: a descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out on the quality of the editorial management of the journal, in the year 2023. The analysis was carried out based on a list of indexing criteria of the Redalyc Scientific Information System. Results: a total of 60 criteria were analyzed. Of these, the journal meets 100% in the Basic Admission Criteria category. However, in the Qualitative and Highly Valued Criteria, there was a group of criteria that were not met. In ''Qualitative Criteria'', the journal fulfills 88.9% of the criteria, and in ''Highly Valued Qualitative Criteria'' the fulfillment is 90.91%. Conclusions: the quality of the journal's editorial management was described. The results obtained show a high efficiency in the editorial process, with review and publication times that are within international standards.
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