Quality of the Editorial Management of the Cuban Journal of Health Technology

Main Article Content

Briana Lauren Soret Espinosa
Jean Marcos Nápoles de la Torre
Mayelin Llosa Santana
Carlos Rafael Araujo Inastrilla
Dayami Gutiérrez Vera
Yanetsi García Savón


Introduction: the quality indicators of a scientific journal express processes of necessary rigor towards what is published. Objective: to describe the quality of the editorial management of the scientific journals of the Revista Cubana de Tecnología de la Salud. Methods: a descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out on the quality of the editorial management of the journal, in the year 2023. The analysis was carried out based on a list of indexing criteria of the Redalyc Scientific Information System. Results: a total of 60 criteria were analyzed. Of these, the journal meets 100% in the Basic Admission Criteria category. However, in the Qualitative and Highly Valued Criteria, there was a group of criteria that were not met. In ''Qualitative Criteria'', the journal fulfills 88.9% of the criteria, and in ''Highly Valued Qualitative Criteria'' the fulfillment is 90.91%. Conclusions: the quality of the journal's editorial management was described. The results obtained show a high efficiency in the editorial process, with review and publication times that are within international standards.

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How to Cite
Soret Espinosa BL, Nápoles de la Torre JM, Llosa Santana M, Araujo Inastrilla CR, Gutiérrez Vera D, García Savón Y. Quality of the Editorial Management of the Cuban Journal of Health Technology. Rev. cienc. med. vida [Internet]. 2025 Jan. 31 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];3(1-3):e039. Available from: https://editorial.udv.edu.gt/index.php/RCMV/article/view/465
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